Our Favorite Back to School Books

One of my favorite ways to tackle big transitions with my kids is to dive into a big stack of books. The more information our children can have about an upcoming event, occasion, or change, the less likely they are to feel anxious and overwhelmed! Plus, I’ve noticed that when they absorb information this way, it allows them to process it on their own time rather than me constantly talking them through how things will go or what to expect. Last year we also utilized this adorable keychain with our family photo so they would always have a piece of us with them at school. We paired this with ideas from The Kissing Hand and The Invisible String (listed below) to really drive the concept home.

I still talk them through things in depth, though, because with my history as a Pediatric Physical Therapist, I learned the immense value of a Social Story. A true “social story” is much more individualized, but books can often take their place for a neurotypical child (and for some neurodiverse, too). For the purpose of what I’m describing, a social story essentially provides information about something the child may encounter, go through, or experience. For example, we love books/social stories on Going to the Dentist, Going to the Doctor, and Brushing Our Teeth.

All the books mentioned below provide a story that relates information to your child about what they might expect with going to school. It opens conversations and creates the opportunity for your child to ask questions, which when answered, often gives them peace about what’s to come. Last year for our youngest’s first day of school, we also did things like watch TV shows (blog coming soon) related to going to school and play pretend school with our backpacks + books or our Little People Schoolhouse.

For ease of shopping, I have divided the book list up into two parts. Books you can find in my PaperPie bookshop to purchase for your home library to use year after year and books that you can find at your local library and/or Amazon!

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Books from my bookshop

Of course I am partial to the books in my bookshop because I grew up on many of them + personally can vouch that they are beautiful and impactful in their messaging. Because we are a small company, we do have $7 flat rate shipping, so I recommend thinking ahead to any bdays, holidays, etc to get the most bang for your shipping bucks :)

The Wild Guide to Starting School

Back to School

Starting School Flashlight Book

Starting School Sticker Book

All About Feelings

All About Friends

My Busy School Day Activity Book

When Mommy Goes to Work/When Daddy Goes to Work

Get Ready for School ABC & 123

Why Do I Have To Get Dressed? (not pictured)

For more “school prep” type books that work on letter or number formation, check these out

p.s. if you’d like to know more about getting these books for free, email me at themovementmama.info@gmail.com

+ for lots of exclusive deals + giveaways, be sure to join my VIP book group

Amazon/library finds

I always recommend putting these books on hold as SOON as you can (like…July), because they often will be checked out by others if you don’t. But don’t worry—they all can be found on Amazon, too!


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